Tag Archives: Work


I had to take a shower when I got home from work today. Not because it was hot and I was all sweaty, but because the day was so yuck that I felt like I had to wash it off of me before I could get on with the rest of my day. We had the final walkthrough tonight, and then dinner with our REALTOR and friend Matt. I wanted to enjoy it, and I couldn’t with the remnants of today’s crapiness still upon me.

It’s not like anything devastating happened. I had an altercation with a coworker about something stupid. Something I shouldn’t have even cared about. Something that wasn’t worth arguing over, but I couldn’t get her to see that I didn’t want to argue, and I didn’t even need to “win”. I just wanted to be kept in the loop and I didn’t want her perception of my request as “ridiculous” to color her decision about something. It seemed like we were all on the same page until I opened my big fat mouth, and I would have been better off to cool my heels and ride it out. So much for full disclosure and frequent and open communication. Guess I’ll start being shirty like everyone else.

No. You know what? I’m there to do my job. Whatever job that happens to be today, granted, but to do a job. I’m happy to still be drawing a paycheck. I’m trying to be my best. I can’t help it that circumstances have made it so we’re all working in a wasteland. I can’t help it that my nature is to do the best I can and take the best care of the people I’m supposed to be taking care of. I never take a job to make friends, but I certainly don’t go to make enemies, either. So it’s a real drag when something comes across the wrong way and I feel like a jerk, I feel like someone’s been a jerk to me, and everything just feels wrong. I mean, I’m practically begging someone not to take what I say the wrong way, I’m tap dancing and backpeddaling as much as I can to say, “hey I can be wrong and I’m willing to admit it”, and that someone (without even saying “excuse me”) just picks up their ringing phone and starts talking. That’s one thing. I try to NEVER be rude. Anyway…

I will certainly try to make it better tomorrow. I will certainly try to be my best – to be diplomatic and cheerful and pleasant and cordial. Like I do every day. But today I’m a little broken and very tired, worn down by the grating knowledge that not much we do matters, but every way we interact with each other does.

The funny thing? Dwight says, “let it go”, because in the long run it probably doesn’t even matter, and I know he’s right. I doubt that the coworker in question gave the situation a second thought, after making sure everyone was good and angry about my request. So I’m sitting here at 10:30, when I’m dead-tired and should be sleeping, blogging inappropriately about my feelings.

Rats. On a lighter and more fun note, there will be a New post tomorrow about the new house, plans for the new house, and the wide possibilities of paint.

Snow Day

Today was a snow day. I finished the John Cusack article for http://www.toptenz.net/, answered work emails, and then worked on my paper for Immigrant literature, which I have changed sixteen times since the two times I blogged about it. Sheesh. Tomorrow, from the time I wake up (EARLY) until it’s time to log into work (11 AM) I am going to finish it. Then I will work on a spreadsheet project I have pending. Fun. Then I will study for Poli Sci. Sometime before 5 I will finish a special project I’m working on for a friend, then I will try to clean part of the house.

Ambitious, aren’t I?

Jake, as it turns out, likes the snow. It snowed 7 or 8 inches here. This is what it looked like from my front porch:

And here are the poor vehicles, all covered in snow:

And here is Jake, enjoying the snow a whole whole bunch.
My herculean hubby hauled all the heavy snow out of the driveway. That was really nice of him, seeing as how I can’t even set one toe on snow without causing myself serious bodily harm. Grace. Grace is not my name.

Backlog of Stuff

I keep thinking, “Hey I need to blog about this” about stuff and then I don’t. I know it’s certainly not breaking anyone’s heart and nobody is checking every day to see if I’ve dropped any more pearls of wisdom on this website. I shall continue nonetheless.

What’s been new lately? Still slowing losing my job. I love the lady I’m working for now – she’s brilliant and hilarious and I respect the crap out of her, so that’s really nice. It’s interesting and horribly depressing watching a company go through everything this company has been through. It’s also pretty weird to be the person who helps the CEO get ready to leave the company forever. I will remember this time forever – the sad parts and how much I’m learning about how bankruptcies work and how the morale is dipping into the very pits of despair. I try to stay cheerful through it all and make myself as useful as possible.

I’m going to start a blog documenting the progress of the Enbrel (the psoriasis medicine I’m starting this week). It will prove helpful to me in keeping me aware of how the medicine is actually performing, and maybe it will be helpful to other people out there (since there are, after all, 125 million people int he world with psoriasis) who are considering this expensive and kind of risky therapy. I’ll provide a link for it here (after it’s up) in case you’re interested in reading it.

I promised an Emma update a while ago, but wanted to double check that it was OK to post video. Turns out I have carte blanche, so submitted for your enjoyment, here is Emma singing her favorite song from The Little Mermaid:

Hands down, the cutest kid ever. We had a really nice time hanging out with her and her parents – we don’t get to see her mamma as often (she works a LOT and just finished college) so it was nice to just have some dinner and watch a movie. We watched Sleeping Beauty, which is probably my favorite pre-Disney Renaissance flick. And, best Disney villian ever. I enjoyed the heck out of it. I also made a kick-ass pork tenderloin. I will post the recipe soon.