Old Blog Posts – DVD Sale

I wrote this in August of 2007, just before I started the first incarnation of this blog on blogger.  It’s funny, because the first line of this reflects that I had more daily readers on my myspace blog than I do on this one.  Why do I keep doing it?  Because it’s worth doing, I suppose.  I might not be winning any internet popularity contests, but there is at least a digital record of my time so I can, I don’t know, read it one day and laugh while I roll around in big piles of money.  Or, while I think about how much nicer it was to be thin and young.

Three people viewed my blog today, yet I haven’t blogged in a long time.

We’re in the process of picking out DVDs, CDs, and VHS tapes for the Media Swap at work.  You turn in your stuff and get a voucher for the categories (2 DVDs, 250 VHS tapes, etc) and you pick from what’s there to get your swap on.  I hope a lot of people participate–I’m in charge of the event along with another person at my job.  So far on the list to trade:

VHS Tapes:

Labyrinth (just got the DVD at Kroger–yeah!!!)
End of Days (crap VHS I married into)
Erin Brockovich (I have no idea why we own this movie)


Don’t Try This At Home–The Steve-O Video (it sucks)
X2 (not great AND we have two copies)
House on Haunted Hill (What?  It was $4 at Blockbuster…)
Nabonga (got for $1 at Kroger)
Circus of Fear (got for $1 at Kroger)
Ghostbusters (have an awesome 1 & 2 box set with special features)


Radiohead–OK Computer (have multiple copies on CD and every track in iTunes)
Deanna Carter–Did I Shave My Legs for This? (have it b/c I had to learn the title track for a karaoke friend.  Don’t do karaoke much anymore–crappy CD)
Various Artists–Batman & Robin Soundtrack (Husband is culprit–ask him)
311–Transistor (Clean version husband bought by accident.  Husband likes profanity.  Me–don’t like 311–think are crappy.  Husband married me anyway)
Garth Brooks–The Hits (Husband went through Garth Brooks phase–I downloaded all desired Garth Brooks songs in a drunken stupor–CD absolete–feel must erase Garth Brooks from iTunes to feel clean again…just kidding.  The Dance is a nice song.  Really only like And The Thunder Rolls, and only when by myself and heavily intoxicated…)
Garth Brooks–Fresh Horses (See previous entry)
Hi Tide–Open Invitation (bought this CD for Husband while in Grand Cayman.  CD sucks.)
Janet–Doesn’t Really Matter (this is a SINGLE CD from the Nutty Professor II.  I married him anyway.  Actually, I didn’t know he had this, but I would have married him anyway.  I’m that open-minded.)

Next blog–my iPOD shuffle playlist and what it means to me.  Stay tuned!
Read more: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAllCustom&friendId=471743&swapped=true&page=3#ixzz0yfeH2U9d

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A Fictional Poem (Mostly Fictional)

I threw my pen at work today
I don’t know why I did
I threw my pen at work today
Just like some stupid kid

I threw it right across the room
It bounced of Will’s forehead
The conference room felt like a tomb
I wished that I was dead

They looked at me amazed – aghast
I blushed a deep, dark red
My cheeks felt broiled, or grilled, or braised
My hands flew to hide my head

I ran from the meeting
No one said a word
Will rubbed the ink off, seething
And flipped me quite the bird

I shouldn’t have done it, of course I shouldn’t
I can’t  believe I did it
I threw the pen, restraint just couldn’t
Stop me when the urge hit

I was so ashamed, and filled with gloom
I didn’t need reproach, or blame
When I threw that pen across the room
And cried and wailed in shame

The moral of the story is to
(I ruefully confess)
Watch yourself and what you do
And stay home with PMS

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