Tag Archives: Work

Stream of consciousness

Random thoughts:

getting a little piece of garlic stuck in your tooth and working it out with your tongue is much like taking some sort of garlic breath infuser treatment. You’ve got to work really hard to undo that.

That Fitzgerald quote, “In the real dark night of the soul it is always three o’clock in the morning, day after day” takes on a whole new meaning when you’re awake at three o’clock in the morning.

I did not win the lottery again today. Honestly, a poor girl’s heart can only stand but so much.

Since my time at Bankrupt Inc. is coming to a close, I have put myself out on the proverbial market. Rather than worrying about the normal things one worries about when trying to secure gainful employment (ie. resume, skills, etc.), I am concerned about the following, because it’s every so much more productive to worry about trivial stuff that doesn’t matter.

I am not, repeat, am NOT, high maintenance enough to get regular pedicures. However, you might notice that my toenails are perfect. It’s a bonding activity with me and my mom, and we go every two weeks if we can afford it. There are currently flowers on my toes because the girl at the shop asked me so very nicely if I wanted flowers, and I couldn’t say no. Because I am a pedicure pushover. And, I’m wearing open-toed shoes because it’s summer, and I hope that is appropriate. Because my only closed-toed shoes right now are sneakers and Doc Martens. And for some reason I thought red Chucks would make it look like I wasn’t trying hard enough.

I blush a lot. Sometimes when I blush I stay blushed for, like, 10 whole minutes. I look like a tomato, and I’m sorry. Sometimes I blush because I’ve been blushing for so long. I get embarrassed by the blushing.

I have very little fashion sense, but if I’m going to someone’s office to meet them, or meeting somebody out for lunch? Trust me, I’ve tried. As much as I can try without waving a bunch of red flags around this place. If I need to look nicer than this I can, because my mom lives nearby and is always willing to pick out an outfit for me.
**it occurs to me that if any potential employers read this they will now be thinking, “The dumb girl has to have her mother dress her.” Not true. Many people take fashion advice from TV, magazines, friends, etc. I take fashion advice from my mom. She’s my hero.
**Also, it isn’t really like the guys I work for would have a problem with me going for an interview or something, but it’s not good for morale with my coworkers. I’m sensitive to that. Both because I care about people and because around here you’re liable to get your head bitten off. In a nice way, of course (not really, no, not nice).

I don’t have poison ivy. I look like this all the time. It’s not contagious, it’s psoriasis, and I hope it doesn’t creep anybody out too badly to hire me. Sometimes it’s better than others, and I never scratch in public. Hey, if LeAnn Rimes can admit it, so can I.

I may be a little awkward at first, but I am super conscientious and hardworking, and I eventually grow on people. I mean, besides that one girl at my current job that hates my guts, most people find me very pleasant to be around. My mom thinks I’m the bomb.

I can’t lie to you, Interwebs. This economy is still pretty sucky, and it’s going to be a while before things turn around. Finding a job in this state is tough, and I AM actually worried about my skills, my creds, my chances. There is one thing in particular that I pretty much consider a dream job, so I’m trying not to get my hopes up so’s they don’t get squashed like little buggies. So I worry if I’m good enough.

But I also worry about what kind of impression my toes make. I’m a complicated woman, Internet. You knew that when you got into this relationship. Wish me luck.

Tips for a Decent Friday

So even though things are winding down here at what GypMom calls “Bankruptcy Inc.” we are moving our desks and offices to another floor. For the last 3 months I have been sort of insulated from the rest of the folks, over here with the consultants I support. Now we’ll all be thrown down in the mix, and we’ve never taken advantage of the fact that we’ve got a whole wing to ourselves. Amidst the moving craziness of tomorrow, here are things I propose we do tomorrow. I will tell you, Internet, instead of them because I’m not sure they get my sense of humor.

1. As I learned earlier today, the ladies room has some fantastic acoustics. I propose we do a short little rehearsal to make sure we all know the words to “Duke of Earl” by Gene Chandler, and wait until someone walks into the shitter with a magazine. Then it’s showtime, Babies!

2. We’re getting ready to have much less space. Also, there will be people sitting right next to me in Cubeland – unlike up here where I’m in a veritable Cube Wasteland. I’m the only cube occupant in the whole wing. So, the days of plugging the old iPod into computer speakers and listening to my music “at a reasonable volume” are likely over. Why not finish the week out right with a little bit of Mandatory Dance Time? I know you’re all busy getting ready for yet another filing, but why not take a minute and boogie down to a little Harry Belafonte? Or if you’re in a more mellow mood I could spin a little “Lime in the Coconut”.
**As a side note, if you’ve ever hung out at my house you know that Mandatory Dance Time happens all the time, and it is FUN.

3. Instead of just buying lunch for our group, let’s buy lunch for everyone in the building. And tell them it was my idea. Tell them that you would have never done it if it weren’t for me. That they have me to thank for that free lunch. You’re welcome, coworkers. You’re welcome.

As none of these things are going to happen tomorrow, I will likely find little ways to make myself feel like they are happening. If I can get just one of them to “Shake Shake Senora” it will be a great time to be here.

Nobody Wants Me – A Cautionary Tale of Part-Time Employment Seeking in a Crap Economy

Alack. As the homebuying process turns out to be more and more expensive, I realize that it would probably be best if I could pull down some extra income prior to starting grad school. Grad school, after all, is not free, and even though I will be applying for Financial Aid (a fun, exciting, and easy-as-pie process, Folks) we will still have to pay that money back someday.

Added to the fact that we are now in a 30-year mortgage that we will ALSO have to pay back, provided we want to keep a roof over our heads.

So I’ve been scouring the interwebs. Searching for that perfect part-time thing that will also provide benefits. That perfect part-time thing with the flexible hours and the work-from-home option that pays around $30 per hour. Easy, right? Not so much.

I thought I would just establish myself as a freelance writer and collect all this crazy income, buy my own independent insurance, and be Free From Corporate Servitude. Sure, I’d still work my corporate job – because I like it, but I wouldn’t feel beholden to The Man, nor would I feel like the world was going to end when my job did.

Turns out it’s a little more difficult to establish oneself as a freelance writer than one might think. Thank God for Shell at TopTenz – he lets me write for him and keep my research skills sharp (plus I get paid), but practically every other thing has turned out to be either a scam or someone who thought they wanted a writer and decided they were wrong.

So then I thought, “Hey.” “Why not get a job someplace where I can get a discount?” I’d heard the Blockbuster gave part-time benefits, so I filled out an online application there. I had also heard that Target and Ukrops had part-time benefit options, so I applied online both of those places.

Nothing. Nada. I have heard zero from any of the places. Tomorrow I’m making it my mission to call each HR manager and be charming. Oh, and I’m going to apply to Lowes and The Home Depot, because a discount there would be sweet…