So even though things are winding down here at what GypMom calls “Bankruptcy Inc.” we are moving our desks and offices to another floor. For the last 3 months I have been sort of insulated from the rest of the folks, over here with the consultants I support. Now we’ll all be thrown down in the mix, and we’ve never taken advantage of the fact that we’ve got a whole wing to ourselves. Amidst the moving craziness of tomorrow, here are things I propose we do tomorrow. I will tell you, Internet, instead of them because I’m not sure they get my sense of humor.
1. As I learned earlier today, the ladies room has some fantastic acoustics. I propose we do a short little rehearsal to make sure we all know the words to “Duke of Earl” by Gene Chandler, and wait until someone walks into the shitter with a magazine. Then it’s showtime, Babies!
2. We’re getting ready to have much less space. Also, there will be people sitting right next to me in Cubeland – unlike up here where I’m in a veritable Cube Wasteland. I’m the only cube occupant in the whole wing. So, the days of plugging the old iPod into computer speakers and listening to my music “at a reasonable volume” are likely over. Why not finish the week out right with a little bit of Mandatory Dance Time? I know you’re all busy getting ready for yet another filing, but why not take a minute and boogie down to a little Harry Belafonte? Or if you’re in a more mellow mood I could spin a little “Lime in the Coconut”.
**As a side note, if you’ve ever hung out at my house you know that Mandatory Dance Time happens all the time, and it is FUN.
3. Instead of just buying lunch for our group, let’s buy lunch for everyone in the building. And tell them it was my idea. Tell them that you would have never done it if it weren’t for me. That they have me to thank for that free lunch. You’re welcome, coworkers. You’re welcome.
As none of these things are going to happen tomorrow, I will likely find little ways to make myself feel like they are happening. If I can get just one of them to “Shake Shake Senora” it will be a great time to be here.