Category Archives: Travel

Miscellaneous Ain’t No River In Egypt

A few things.  One, I know you’ve been totally dying to hear about my YouTube progress, mentioned in that blog I did about dogs back in May.  I’m happy to report that because of my diligent tagging and keyword use, my views have gone from a measly 6 views to a whopping 17 views!  Good job, everybody!

Sarcasm.  It’s what’s for breakfast.

In other news, I recently went to the beach.  That is usually good news, but for somebody with psoriasis, it’s great news.  The sun and the sand, combined with the salt water act as some amazing healing thing that makes me much better.  I want to live there.  I realize that in the grand scheme of beaches that Virginia Beach is, like, pretty lame, but it’s close by to friends and family and blah blah blah don’t judge me.

That’s all for now.  Meh.

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A Trip to Our Nation’s Captial

In April the Hubs, The Mom and I went up to NOVA to visit my Dad, who lives there three days on (and here three days off) because he’s in the Army.  I’m writing a book about that last part.  You can read it when I’m done.  So, we took the train up, stayed in Dad’s tiny apartment, and got up and went to DC the next day.  I was very keen on going to the Museum of Natural History, because I hadn’t been there in a gazillion years.  It was kind of a let-down.  There were all these exhibits with dates on them, right?  But then there is this sign that basically says to take all those really old plant life exhibits with a grain of salt, because where they said 44 million years ago it might have only been, like 6 million years ago or something.  You’re the Smithsonian, Dudes!  Fix it!

Anywhoo, here are some pictures I took.  This is a pictorial for you.

I took this artistic photo of The Hubs while we were all on the Metro.
Waiting outside of the Natural History Museum, I took a picture of the base of one of the lights outside. Here is that picture.
Well, Jerry, since you raised your hand so nicely you can have the next cookie.
Dude, you missed one.
The only cherry blossoms we saw during the cherry blossom festival - a rainstorm wiped them all out.
Here Fishy Fishy Fishy
I had to elbow thirteen old ladies and small children out of the way so that my mom could snap this picture.
and then we figured out how the zoom feature works....
The Muslim/Celtic/Parade-Was-Over-But-They-Kept-Going Bagpiping Band
The Balloon Man in Olde Towne (?) Alexandria
Take heed.
At the Torpedo Factory. Hanging out with the torpedo.
Like you do.
Making friends wherever I go...
Sadly, I was not recruited.
The Fam Damily.

So there you have it, our trip to Washington, D.C. and Old Town Alexandria.  It was a fun trip.  There were other things that I didn’t take a picture of, and even things that I took a picture of but did not put into my post, either because I looked really fat or because I would get fussed at for putting them on my blog.  I hate getting fussed at.

Stay tuned for more adventures.  I read somewhere that you needed to post something every thirty days or you aren’t “viable” and you know me.  I like to be viable.  I’m working on some other neat things, so get ready for a different type of bloggy goodness in the coming weeks.

Oh, and I hated Avatar.  So there.

Almost Heaven, Part II

I’m back from West Virginia, and I’m regretting with every fiber of my being leaving behind this beautiful slicing tomato I bought there. I would eat it, right now, like an apple. This amazing tomato was from Gritt’s Hydroponics, a greenhouse in Putnam County, West Virginia. I looked to see if they had a website, because I fancied having them overnight some of their magical tomatoes to me. They don’t have a website. Of course, that won’t stop me from calling them on Tuesday and asking them how I can either a) procure their fantastic tomatoes all the time or b) grow these wonderful tomatoes at my own home.

Here is a photo of the wonderful tomato, which will not even be enjoyed by my aunt and uncle, at whose house I left:
It’s brother, who I ate with relish (not actually relish, but I ate it with great enjoyment) was consumed in the span of a few minutes. I cut it into slices with this knife:
And it was so red and beautiful on the inside:
I’m so sad I can’t eat the one I left behind right now. I’m going to go to Tom Leonard and see if they have anything that even compares…

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