Tag Archives: United States

Because I REALLY Understand Anthropology

So, I’ve been under a lot of pressure lately.  Trying to work, write a thesis, and take two classes while being nice enough and engaged enough as to not alienate my loved ones is super hard, and I don’t deal with stress all that well.  Sometimes I “zone out” and think about things unrelated to finances, work, and school.  (And by “zone out” I mean “drink a lot of pinot noir and think sloppy but interesting thoughts).  I found the following note on my computer the other morning:

If a sterotype exists, it exists for a reason.If a ritual is particular attractive to a large amount of people, many people are attracted to it for reason.That is why reality television works.
Top 10 Reality Shows of all Time
Note about Bones – it is possible that you hear a certain identifier to a particular subculture, it is possible that Brennan would have called the Jersey Shore-type people “Guidos.”
But the black murder suspect at the end saying that all the Jersey Shore guys look alike is beyond the pale.

bones guido

This is obviously based on the “Guido” episode of Bones, which TNT or USA or one of those has been showing about every hour of every day for the last month or so.  I keep the TV on while I work, most of the time, because it keeps me company.  I think I was trying to explain to myself why someone as supposedly as smart as Dr. Brennan would act the way she did about the Jersey Shore-type people, and I was trying to find an ANTHROPOLOGICAL reason for her dippy attitude.

That same night, for about ten minutes, I ranted at the kitty about how Bones is not a good show at all.  I am wishy-washy about that when I’m clearheaded, but when I’m sleep-deprived and tipsy I have very definite opinions about television shows.

As an aside, the producers of Bones originally asked Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino to play the dead guy in that episode, but he said no so they got this guy named Anthony Pumilio instead who has, like, no credits on his IMDB page but 15 photos and a bunch of videos, so apparently he uses his IMDB page as his Facebook page or something.  Great.

Anyway, as you can see, I know a LOT about Anthropology, so you are lucky I can help you out with tough anthropological questions like these.

In other news, I like these:

taters precious

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West Virginia and Kentucky Summer Travels – Part 2

As you learned on Monday, Mom and I have been doing a lot of travel this summer.  Dad’s in the Army, so we have gone to visit him, stopping in West Virginia on the way there or the way back.  Mom’s done it even more.  Last time, we learned out the trip to Elizabethtown, so now we’ll talk about Louisville for a spell.


I didn’t know why this guy was wearing bright wings, but I was glad he was.  As it turns out, there was a Gay Pride festival this day.  I have lots of friends who are gay, so don’t take this the wrong way, but I was kind of cheesed off that the entrance to the festival was set up right at the entrance to the waterfront area.  So, you were expected to pay admission to the festival in order to just walk down to the waterfront for a minute.  That would irritate me no matter WHAT kind of festival it was.  I shouldn’t have to pay to see the stinky Ohio River.


I persevered, and we found a spot where we could walk down near the water for free.  Here is a boat.  We didn’t ride on it.

It it keep on raining...

These are tall things with rungs – I assume so you can rope onto harbor (or whatever you call it) no matter of the height of the river.

Al's close up

Meet Al.  He was hanging out near the boat.


About Al.


Al is a hard guy to figure out.

Col Saunders

They have famous people’s faces on the sides of buildings.  More specifically, famous Louisvillians.  Here is…well…you know who.

Diane Sawyer
Diane Sawyer is also from Louisville.  You probably knew that if you’ve seen Drop Dead Gorgeous.  I met Diane Sawyer one time at the Rite Aid on the corner of Belvedere and Broad in downtown Richmond. She was picking up a few things before going to the Library of Virginia for some shindig.  She was super nice.

Bowman Field
Bowman Field.  On this trip, Dad was scoping it out.  Now, on days off, he flies sometimes.

Balloon Aeronautics
I took lots of other cool pictures of the historic airport.  It’s beautifully built – very 1920’s and I really dug it.  If you want to see ’em, you can ask me.  I thought that instead of beautiful architecture I would show you this bizarre balloon sculpture found in the pilot office.  Enjoy.

Big Boy
We went to this cute little place called Cafe Lu Lu for dinner, and I couldn’t stop staring at this painting.  I didn’t think to ask who painted it, but I totally want it.

Happy Balls

Thank God for Aunt Happy.  Actually, I didn’t buy these, nor did I taste one, but that’s some genius branding, that is.

So, that’s it for now.  Stay tuned for reflections of West By God Virginia.

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