Category Archives: Life Experiences

I Was Supposed To Write About Earwigs

So tonight we listened to some tunes, cooked up some turkey loin, and did some Mr. Mystery games that I picked up at that great American institution, The Cracker Barrel.
This is Mr. Mystery, a Secret Agent Spy Book. These were my favorite brand of toys when I was a kid.

It has secret agent mystery puzzles in it, which was perfect because when I was younger I wanted to be a private detective. I mean, from the time I was 2 to the time i was 15. A long time. I’ll post pictures sometime of the detective agencies my dad used to build me out of the wardrobe boxes every time we moved. Anyway…back to these Mr. Mystery books, you have to use the “answer pen”, which reacts with the invisible inky things inside the book. This is what the pen looks like:

I won’t spoil for you the magic of the pen on the paper. That, and it’s pretty hard to photograph. But the mysteries are totally worth your time. Get you to a Cracker Barrel and get yourself a Mr. Mystery game. For “Hours and Hours of ‘By Yourself Enjoyment'”. Worked out for me pretty well…being an only child that moved every few years. Oh yeah. Poor me.
I’m good with people. Probably wouldn’t have been if I hadn’t moved around all the time as a kid. So it’s a wash.

Oh yeah. Some earwigs have two penises. So that I don’t keep you in suspense. So my ears are totally doomed.


So today was my department’s turn at our Habitat for Humanity house. It turns out that I am

a) not good at hanging drywall
b) not good at working in 90 degree heat
c) a big, BIG wuss

I believe in the cause, but I think they need a lot of support and a LOT LOT LOT more money. I have a raging headache, I itch all over, and I feel really embarrassed because my coworker SENT ME HOME because my face was PURPLE. Purple. Honestly.

My face is back to my-face-colored, but my head is screaming “Why did you try to be a tough person?” and the jagged ball of hurt above my left eye makes me want to vomit or cry, but I’m holding back because, gee, that would make the throbbing and the pain that much worse.

So, the following are not cures for a dehydration migraine:

a) blogging
b) Mandy Moore movies
c) searching vainly for the March issue of SELF so that I can contemplate starting the SELF challenge to lose weight and feel great about myself (only to eat a slimy delicious cheesesteak and loaded fries as soon as I get the plan written out)
d) chicken noodle soup and a grilled cheese sandwich (though they were delicious)

I wish I had taken my camera with me to the Habitat build so that I could show you how hard everyone worked, and how crappy the conditions are, and how very very red and purple my face got. Ah well.

Wasted Saturday

No, not wasted in that way. My days of afternoon Bloody Marys are long gone, alas. No, instead I’ve been dealing with a hellish migraine that has effectively sucked away my only day to rest this weekend. There is a little bit of a paradox at work here, though, because I did plan to work on the paper all day, but every time I moved more than a subtle shift in position I vomited, so I was forced to lay flat on my back and watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Season Two) all day long. Finally, around 2:30 my pain subsided enough to get SOME work done on the confounded paper, but not near enough for me to feel like I’m ahead of the game.
I got no housework done, and I’m currently typing out this Poor Me blog whilst smelling like a pole cat and feeling little waves of sickly panic at how much I didn’t get done today.
Behold the messiness that is me

Most of all, I’m disappointed about falling of the diet wagon. All week I did really well. I exercised three times, I did that active resting thing where you walk around more than normal, I counted calories, I counted steps, I did it right. Today I have eaten like crap, and I’m going to eat more here in a minute. I have to lose weight for health. Doctor says so. Meh.