Category Archives: Life Experiences


Buying a vehicle is exhausting. I still haven’t recovered. We had a nice double date with my parents tonight. Went to see The Dark Knight and ate copious amounts of Mexican food.
A review of The Dark Knight will follow, along with more about the new truck, a rundown of the mansion dream, and more! For now, check out this pretty bug (cicada? locust?) that’s hanging out on the broken grabber on our back porch.

Am a blob of blah

Last night Katie came over and we drank way too much Prosecco and cheap champagne. We watched all of the performances that comprised VH1’s tribute to The Who and it was awesome. You should watch it. Be warned, the VH1 website will only show the clips in tiny little windows and there is no way to enlarge them. And I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking “I’ll just watch them on YouTube.” No. You won’t. Viacom took ’em down. And forced us to watch The Foo Fighters, Incubus, Tenacious D, Pearl Jam, Adam Sandler and The Flaming Lips perform Who songs, and then The Who performing their songs…all on tiny little windows. It’s OK. Sit close to the monitor and sing your heart out.
I’ve been holding off on watching the third installment of Dr. Horrible until I feel a little better. Big champagne head notwithstanding, I tend to feel crappy on Saturdays. It’s like the work week comes crashing down in my sleep on Friday nights and Saturdays my body dictates mandatory relax time. Yeah. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Gotta go, Internet. I have to clean my room. If I do a good job maybe Dwight will make me a grilled cheese sandwich. I have a long night of studying ahead of me.


This is a spider that was hanging out in the basement.

It would be much spookier, I realize, if I had a picture of the ginormous Black Widow spider that Jeff slew for me the other week, but I didn’t have my wits about me and therefore did not think to run upstairs before Jeff smooshed the poisonous spider. “Hang on! Let’s take the chance that it will spring onto both of us and bite us in the eyes because it’s very important that I photograph this spider.” No.

Dwight was on the manly canoe trip, so I called my dad and he rushed to my aid in the case of the spider pictured here. He put it and it’s two sacs of babies in a jar and took them away. No doubt to breed them for world domination. Just kidding. He eats them. No! I’m just kidding. He knows me well enough to know that even if he killed it and put it in the trash I would manage to convince myself later that it wasn’t really dead and that it would come at me for vengence. Or that if he flushed it that it would somehow hang out in the U-Bend and come up and bite me in the ass when I take a pee.

I never had a problem with bugs, but now I do. Earwigs, spiders, these little bright red bugs that look kind of like lightning bugs but don’t have wings are in residence, when previously all I had to worry about was roaches and cave crickets. Luckily, we’ve only seen one roach here every, but the cave crickets get upstairs once in a while. I’m always relieved that it is a cricket instead of a spider.

Well I’ve wussed out on you enough for one day. Back to homework.