I was just watching an episode of “Who’s Line Is It Anyway?” and it was that bit when there is a green screen with one of the guys standing in front of it and there is something going on behind them but they can’t see it–they have to guess what is going on based on the other actor’s clues and the audience response. Colin Mockery was up there with maggots behind him, and he guessed it correctly!
This is because maggots are the grossest ever. He guessed maggots because nothing could have been that universally nasty.
I had this apartment on Floyd Avenue, and it was on the second floor. Sometimes I’d put my trash out on the back deck, and when it piled up I’d go out back, position the trash can under the deck, and then go back upstairs and toss the bags of garbage into the trash can below.
Once time I went out there to check the level of trash, and I noticed some pink and naked squirmies beside a partially open bag of trash. Augh! Maggots! I already had a fear of these guys, as I had an apartment on Vine St. with the same sort of trash situation, and I was really depressed and REALLY let the trash pile up. Maggots. But the trash out back of the Floyd apartment was only about a day old. It was hot outside, and there were steak bits in the trash, so…Maggots.
The particular incident on Floyd Avenue happened while is was on the phone with a friend. I was giriping and squealing about the maggoty maggots,and my friend (Curtis) said, “Why would you be afraid of maggots? They’re just fly puppies.”
Brilliant. This did nothing to cure me of my disgust regarding maggots, but it locked in the certainty that if I ever belong to another band, it will be called Fly Puppies.
Maggots are so gross. I know that they do have some medicinal value, in that they only eat dead flesh. So, if you’ve got some nasty infected wound, maggots are your friend, as they will eat all the infected dead stuff, and leave your healing, not rotting skin alone. Great. Can you imagine what that feels like? Maggoty maggots squirming inside your infected ankle wound? I mean, really. I hate antibiotics as much as the next person, but I DO have an ickiness threshold. I really do.
Heh. I just left a comment on a friend’s Facebook page that “Maggots are like fly puppies,” and I was wondering if anyone else had made that observation. Which led me to here!