This is a picture of the dining room before we got our hands on it. As you can see, it was perfectly lovely, but entirely green. I don’t mind green, but I wanted a more festive dining room.
We ripped up the carpet, primed and painted all the walls and trim, and my wildly talented husband created the lovely striping effect you see under the chair rail. We painted the chairs purple – the can showed a deeper, more aubergine purple, but I like the way they turned out nonetheless. We also replaced the chandelier.
The dining room table is a new addition – oak drop-leaf with some dings and nicks but a whole lot of character. I love it. My mom bought it for me at an estate sale recently – the same one where we bought that awesome stereo I blogged about. At least I think I blogged about it. Yeah, I did.
The kitchen is done, too. We’ll save that for next time.