Amazing that it’s been a whole week

A whole week since my last post. Huh. I had a great idea and lost it midday today amongst the searing, mind-numbing pain of a terrible migraine (fun!) and am pretty much writing something just to write something. Which is useless, yet I do it anyway.

In more exciting news, I think I’ve come up with an idea for a cool niche blog that can be a central hub of online activity and possibly make me independently wealthy. Or will at least pay my electric bill and support my kitchy t-shirt habit. So yeah, I’ll get around to that someday.

As for fun stuff that happened over the last week, I guess I tweeted about it, so you can check out my tweets at the right, if you’re not an active tweeter yourself. As for me, the jury is still out. It is a LOT of fun right now, and I could see it either becoming a way of life or something that I abandon because it’s too high-maintenance.

I have several freelance pieces to write, plus a lot of really old carpet to pull up, boxes to pack, trim to paint, etc. Busy, but that’s good because of idle hands being the devil’s something or another.

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2 thoughts on “Amazing that it’s been a whole week”

  1. I believe it's idle hands are the devil's sock puppets. Or was it "best friends"? Something like that!

    Good luck with the carpet. I did a whole lot of that last fall for a friend and it stunk. 🙂


  2. I'd love to hear about your niche blog. Hit me up at thecheckoutgirl at gmail so you and Matt and I can Blogger Symposium. We're dying to love on you.

    Did you know I secretly have three blogs, and nine (wait, ten! and tomorrow eleven!) url's? Everytime I think of a "brilliant" idea, I jump on the url. The internets are pregnant with this girl's possibility!

    Love your blog.

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