An Evening With Weird Al Yankovic

On Tuesday the Hubs and I went to the National to see Weird Al. We saw him a year ago at Innsbrook. I must say I enjoyed the experience more sans mosquitos.

We’ve both been Weird Al fans for a number of years, and now we’re both old enough to admit it. The guy…well…he’s kind of a genius. We both went through an “I’m so cool that I only listen to artisitcally “relevant” music deemed so by their

use as soundtrack music in indie movies
approval by people I deem cooler than me
status as something that nobody in the room/at the party/in the conversation has heard of/thought of liking/managed to consider ironic before I enlightened them”

stage. As for me, I still listened to whatever the heck I wanted to, but being a DJ kind of ruined me for a while. I will say now that if I ever (and I don’t think I ever did) but if I ever said a single ill world against Weird Al I totally take it back. Because that guy knows how to party.

With Stormtroopers:

And in a fat suit:

If you’ve never seen him in person, treat yourself. Even if you’re not a huge accordian music fan, he’s got infectious energy…guess it comes from being so “White and Nerdy”

El Gato – Caught Red Handed

Ah, the cat. She is a unique creature. Meaning, there are no other cats like her. She has a presence all her own. If you came to my house and said, “hey, your cat is just like another cat I’ve met”, I would argue with you. Because she’s not. She’s my cat. That other cat…it’s not my cat. This is my cat. And she has a bathtub problem.

Our faucet drips. We really like this house we rent, but the plumbing is not so good. The kitty’s big thing is getting into the bathtub and catching the drips of water that come out of the faucet. For a while she tried catching them in her mouth as they fell out of the faucet. Apparently that was as much trouble as chasing a fake mouse or paying attention to the laser pointer. It’s just not worth it. So now she just puts her head and paw directly underneath the drips and licks the drips off her paw. Needless to say her head gets completely wet. Bizzaro.